Korkealaatuinen vesipohjainen akryylimaalitussi, 2mm paksuisella, kaksipäisellä pumppukärjellä. Vedenpitävä, hyvin peittävä maali sopii käytettäväksi lähes kaikkille materiaaleille. Suosittelemme Montana vernissaa tai muuta akryylimaalitusseille soveltuvaa lakkaa kuivuneen maalin suojaksi. Tarkista lakkojen ja vernissojen saatavuus tästä. https://unckan.fi/tuotekategoriat/muut/
The Montana ACRYLIC Marker Fine is a high quality water based paint marker available in 36 vibrant colors and varnish gloss that match to corresponding colors in the Montana GOLD spray paint series.* The highly pigmented paint is light-fast, high covering, water-resistant and abrasion proof allowing application to almost any surface. The optimum flow control pump-valve system allows accurate handling and application. The transparent marker bodies allow for easy assesment of remaining marker content. Replacement tips are seperately available. Can be used on almost any surface, best results on even surfaces. Ideal for interior use – for exterior use, please use Montana Varnish for sealing. Make sure to apply only on dry and clean surface. Alternative tips are seperately available in sizes: 2mm round, 5mm calligraphy & 6mm chisel.
Ideal for interior use – for exterior use, please use Montana Varnish to seal and increase longevity. For best results in sealing we recommend to use Montana Varnish spray that are compatible to ACRYLIC paint. When working with other varnishes please test always before application – it might not be compatible.
* Color matching: Due to a different paint base between ACRYLIC markers (water-based) and Montana GOLD spray paint (solvent-based), for best color matching results apply a coat of Montana Varnish Gloss for one even finish. Slight differences may appear due to used substrate or ground. 100% color match is not guaranteed. Always test before use!
Montana Acrylic | 100% CYAN, SH5010 Blue, SH6000 Green Light, SH9120 WHITE PURE, SH9000 BLACK, SH1000 YELLOW LIGHT, SH1010 YELLOW, SH2010 ORANGE, SH3000 RED, SH3020 KENT BLOOD RED, SH4000 PINK LIGHT, SH4010 PINK |